
Critical E-Commerce Mistakes to Avoid

Written by Aleksandra Ciemoszewska | 1/19/23 10:47 AM

Don't assume that you know your target audience 

You set up your site, you place your products, you run a campaign, and… nothing happens. You're probably wondering what went wrong. Have you done the proper research and determined the needs and expectations of your target audience? Defining the reach group and understanding their customer journey is crucial. User experience is essential – that factor determines if your potential customers stay on your website and make purchases. You must create personas (ideal clients) and implement content that resonates with their needs. Would you buy something you consider not worth spending your hard-earned money on? What you need to do is: 

– Learn about the values that are important to your customers; 

– Conduct research to find out how your customers engage with online content (and where); 

– Create content that presents solutions to your customers' problems; 

– Gather opinions and define your customers' "pain points." 

To make a story short, you must attractively present your products to a proper audience. To make it happen, you have to know your customers. Every industry has its own rules, but it is crucial to present your products or services in the right way to your target audience. Find out what your customers are looking for and ensure they find it on your platform. 

Don't skip the UX factor on your website

It's all about a pleasant interaction. Your website should be a fusion of high-end design and functionality. You wouldn't make a purchase in a shop where you can't find the desired item or waste time in a hedge maze on your way to finalize the transaction, would you? Your goal is to convert users into satisfied customers. To achieve that, you must design your website carefully or use a proper template that does the trick. In this context, employing professional ux design services can make a significant difference, ensuring smooth navigation and a user-friendly experience. It's also worth remembering that for UX to be effective, you must ensure your eCommerce platform's speed and stability. Your users will certainly appreciate this in positive feedback and conversions. We know how it works – contact us in case of any questions.

Don't choose your e-commerce platform on the fly  

It seems that everything is ready – you have an idea, you made a great business plan, and you're beyond excited to set your site up. Picking the wrong CMS platform is a very common mistake. Your content management system has to offer vital features to your actions. What is more, it may turn out that you need to modify some processes or features. The worst scenario is that you find out that you have to migrate to another platform – which translates to high costs in terms of time and budget. Remember – e-commerce is more than a transaction. It's an interaction. You are establishing a relationship between your business and your customers. The right CMS is the first step to your success. Here's a short list of factors you should consider before choosing your platform: 

– Your budget for CMS;  

– Portfolio of your products;  

– Plans for scaling your business in the future;  

– The kind of experience your customers will look for;  

– The level of control you need over your website;  

– What integrations will be necessary.  

Don't pick the CMS that looks fancy and matches your preferences. The platform is supposed to be attractive for your customers – in various ways (especially UX), not just for you. It's a significant factor. According to, 54% of customers shifted most of their spending to online shopping (compared to 2020), and 67% of young customers lead that trend. Also, 50% of customers declared that they seek independently owned businesses to support, and 65% of customers support small businesses. The numbers speak for themselves – choose the right CMS for your e-commerce business.  

Larger companies with more advanced CMS at some point in their business require the presence of an additional person who will be dedicated to operating the system. It is worth bearing in mind because the lack of a specialized person handling such systems can negatively affect our business. Choosing the right CMS is crucial because this system plays a key role in sales. It often happens that at the very beginning, the system contains many features that are not useful in the end. It is important that our platform is built with only the needed functionalities.  

Don't underestimate the power of SEO 

According to – there are around 12 000 000 – 24 000 000 e-commerce businesses around the globe. This number varies as some companies disappear and new ones enter the market daily. That's a lot of competition. However, there's still room for your business there. You have to stand out in the crowd. That's why you should consider drawing the attention of your potential customers in terms of organic traffic. That's where SEO comes in. Each piece of content is essential, as SEO is not only about the key phrases. clearly states that search engine algorithms value content that is useful for users. Each product description, as well as the content on your website and your posts on social media – these are opportunities for you to boost your organic traffic. 

Don't complicate the checkout process 

Abandoned carts are a nightmare for e-commerce businesses. The final stage of a sales funnel should be kept simple. Any obstacle in money is a factor that drives your customers away from making a purchase. Don’t assume that users need to register an account to buy your products. You can collect their data after the purchase, i.e., by adding them to the email list via newsletter subscription. Stay clear, concise, and precise – any hidden fees or confusing terms will make your customer lose their trust. Finalizing the transaction has to be easy and fast. Otherwise, it can never happen. These are the most common e-commerce mistakes you should avoid. Your goal is to create a community of loyal and satisfied customers. They have to be excited to visit your site and make purchases. You must build your brand awareness and keep the UX hWoulduldh to like on top.  

Would you like to know more about running a successful e-commerce business? We know how to improve e-commerce businesses daily - this is our natural environment. Don’t hesitate and contact us. We’re more than happy to help you stay ahead of the game.  

Contact us, and let's schedule a quick talk.