Workation in Thailand Seen “Through the Eyes” of Our UX/UI Designer – Angelika 

4 min. read

Preparing a user journey map in the morning, visiting ancient Buddhist temples in the afternoon? Just a few years ago, that would sound like a surreal scenario to me, but it turns out that with Axabee, nothing is impossible! I’ve decided to take advantage of this opportunity and go on workation to Thailand. Here’s what I’ve learned!  


As a UX/UI designer, I create great experiences for others through my UX services, but I also love having them for myself. And as much as I love discovering the depths of human nature and behaviors, sometimes it’s nice to discover the world around me a little bit more! That’s why, when I heard about an opportunity to go for a workation as Axabee’s employee, I didn’t hesitate even for a moment. Why would I miss a chance to combine designing and traveling – the two things I love? 

First step: pick your destination! 

Workation still is a relatively new word in the business vocabulary, so I’ll start by explaining it briefly to dispel any doubts. When going on workation, you continue working the same way you did so far, but from a different place – often on the other side of the globe. For me, that place was Thailand.  
I chose it because I have always dreamt about going to Asia, and Thailand seemed like a perfect starting point. With its hassle-free Internet access and direct flight connections, it’s perfectly adjusted to the needs of digital nomads and those who go on workation as I did. Thai café and restaurant owners are open to receiving remote workers, and many services are adjusted to their needs. Another reason for picking Thailand was good access to veterinary services. Since we traveled with our dog, this aspect was crucial to us. 

What should you know before going on workation? 

I could talk about Thailand for hours, but enough about the destination. Let’s move to another topic that most likely interests you more. Here are some workation insights you may need! 


#1 Workation can be a great energy booster! 

Your coworkers may worry that working from a different place will be more energy-consuming and result in lower productivity, but actually, it’s quite the opposite – you have my word! At least for me, the change in environment has boosted my energy, making me reach my productivity peaks. I felt I started looking at things from a different angle and gained a fresh perspective on my work, which, I think, was reflected in my projects. 


#2 You will most likely get your job done faster on workation  

When there are so many things to see and try around, you are motivated to organize your work better to enjoy the new place as much as possible. I ended up being much more time-efficient than back in Poland – obviously, without compromising the quality of the work. 


#3 Your team doesn’t have to be affected by the fact that you are working from a different time zone 

With the tools we use in Axabee, we barely notice that some members of the teamwork are from different time zones. Workation shouldn’t affect the team’s productivity if it is managed thoughtfully!  
Overall, I am grateful to Axabee for the opportunity to discover another culture without taking a break from my professional activity. The only minus of the workation is that I haven’t been able to meet my team face to face for four months, but that’s one detail among so many positives!  
Now that my first workation experience is ending, I know that I will want to continue doing such breaks occasionally. Of course, it will be great to see my colleagues again, but I’m sure I will start planning another journey after a while. Next destination? Either I come back to Asia to visit Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, or go for workation in Europe, and more specifically in the Balkans.  
As you can see, workation was a stimulating and creativity-boosting experience for me, and I would recommend it to anyone!